Wokiee - Ecommerce HTML Template
WOKIEE is outstanding ecommerce HTML template. It will be perfect solution for your current or future webshop. It has all required tools and modules to create super fast responsive website with amazing UX. Great variety of numerous layouts and styles allows to create different structures and satisfies any specific requirements. You can avoid expensive web development and minimize your design costs using WOKIEE ecommerce HTML template.
Wokiee HTML Features:
- Bootstrap 4;
- Responsive;
- 26+ Homepage Layouts;
- 8 Product page variants;
- 8 Collection page variants;
- Numerous header variants;
- Footer Combinations;
- Megamenu;
- Revolution Slider;
- Gallery;
- RTL;
- Lookbook;
- Instagram Shop;
- Custom pages (404, About, Contact etc.);
- SEO optimized;
- Qucik View;
- Catalogue mode;
- Premium Support;
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